Our Company
RAD Children’s Furniture’s vision is to empower parents and caregivers to encourage children to fully and completely be themselves, grow at their own pace, enjoy the wonderment of being a child, and to fully express themselves through movement, the power of imagination, and the joy of becoming. Our children's furniture and play structures are the offshoots of many schools of developmental thought that honor the child as a full person from Day One.
In the beginning of 2020, RAD Children’s Furniture moved from the garage where it was founded, into a larger space in Inglewood, California. Since then, our business has blossomed into a company which is rapidly acquiring a reputation as a leader in our particular niche of furniture and apparatus for the gross motor development of babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Most notably, in 2021 after years of test and approvals, the Pikler Institute officially recognized our climbing triangle as a Pikler® Triangle and thus we became the first and only certified Pikler® furniture maker in the Western Hemisphere!
The focus of our company is diverse, yet one of our highest priorities continues to be our customers' unconditional satisfaction. We are professional, but also thoughtful in our interactions with our customers and our community. We often create personal relationships with our customers through open dialogue about their needs, wants, and suggestions. We’ve found that through open communication and discussion, when advice is requested, together we are able find the best possible choice of furniture and equipment most suitable for each child. We also provide our book, “Parenting, The Joy of Doing it Right,” for free to all first-time buyers.

RAD Children’s Furniture puts a high value on the quality of our products, seeks strong relationships with our customers and our production team, and is committed to the healthy development of future generations, making us the preferred brand for furniture and apparatus for the gross motor development of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.