By Emily Graham, Guest Blogger | When you own a home, you quickly realize how much work goes into building upkeep. Luckily, many regular home maintenance tasks, cosmetic improvements, and minor problems can be tackled without professional help. Who doesn’t love the chance to save money? Get ready to check some items off your to-do list with these easy home fixes and organizational tips.
Coddle Your HVAC System
Your HVAC system keeps your house clean, safe, and comfortable. So take good care of it! While there’s not much you can do when it comes to HVAC repairs, regular filter changes can keep your system kicking. Changing a clogged filter will help your HVAC system run more efficiently while refreshing the air in your home. If you have pets, allergies, or live in a polluted area, CNET recommends changing the filter every three weeks!
If your air conditioner isn’t working, try changing the filter before calling in a professional. A dirty filter can cause the evaporator coil to freeze over. If changing the filter doesn’t bring your system back to life, contact a local AC repair professional instead of attempting to fix it yourself.
Tackle Cosmetic Repairs Using Online Guides
Cosmetic home fixes are some of the easiest (and safest) to do on your own. Holes in drywall can be patched with the right tools and a thorough how-to guide. If your wall paint is peeling, remove flaked paint and repair the area with spackle before sanding and repainting. For cracks in crown molding, get out the caulking gun. You can even remove scratches in stainless steel appliances and hardwood floors yourself — a simple Google search will bring up several guides for ridding your home of unsightly scratch marks.
Get Inventive with Organization
Cosmetic fixes won't do much for your home if it's in a state of complete disorder. Even if you don’t always notice it, clutter can be a constant source of stress. Tackle your junk drawer and give it a new purpose instead of dooming it to hold unopened mail and elastic bands. Sell or donate items you no longer want. Create organizational systems, like bookshelves or homemade storage bins to neatly house your possessions. Closets, cabinets, drawers, and garages can always use a touch of organizational creativity.
You can even repurpose items you already own for organizing. For example, an umbrella bin works great for holding a rolled yoga mat. To maintain all of this tidiness you’ve worked so hard to achieve, try your best to put things back where they belong as soon as you’re done with them.
Create a Kid Play Space
Once you’re organized, you can use the free space to create a dedicated area or room for your kids to play in. This is especially helpful these days as work and home life merge and having an engaging space where your kids can play is essential for their development. Create a Montessori and Pikler inspired space with pieces from RAD Children’s Furniture. With their climbing triangle, rockers, climbing arch, and more, the room can engage your kids’ bodies and minds.
Keep Pests Out of Your Home
One of the best ways to make sure you don’t invite pests into your home is through consistent cleaning. You can also take steps to seal off openings to prevent them from coming inside, and keeping a well-maintained yard can help as well. If pests have invaded your home, you may have to call on a pest control professional. If you’re asking yourself, “Who offers the best mice control near me?” use online reviews and feedback from past customers to inform your decision on who to hire. You may be able to find companies that are offering deals, discounts, and credits.
Take Your DIY Skills Outside
Landscaping is a great way to improve the curb appeal of your property and get some exercise while you're at it. Take a weekend to remove clutter from your yard and front entrance. According to Better Homes & Gardens, it’s important to come up with a plan for your landscape design and find a style that reflects your taste. Don’t go overboard. You may be content with building some raised garden beds or a paver patio. Simple landscaping projects like these will be the easiest and most rewarding to do yourself.
It feels great to live in a house that is well cared for. Keeping up with maintenance, making an effort to organize, and getting creative with simple home improvement tasks can spruce up even the most neglected homes. Once you get the ball rolling and develop a regular habit of looking after your home, it will be much easier to keep your house in order going forward.